The Abbot's Ghost (or, Maurice Treherne's Temptation: A Christmas Story)
Behind a Mask (or, A Woman's Power)
La Belle Bayadere
Betrayed by a Buckle
The Blue and the Gray
The Brothers (or, My Contraband)
Countess Varazoff
Debby's Debut
Doctor Dorn's Revenge
A Double Tragedy
Fatal Follies
Fate in a Fan
The Fate of the Forrests
The Freak of a Genius
The Golden Wedding and What Came of It
Honor's Fortune
Hope's Debut
An Hour
How I Went Out to Service
La Jeune (or, Actress and Woman)
The Lady and the Woman
A Laugh and a Look
Love and Self-Love
A Marble Woman (or, The Mysterious Model)
Marion Earle (or, Only an Actress!)
The Masked Marriage
A Modern Cinderella (or, The Little Old Shoe)
Mrs. Vane's Charade
My Mysterious Mademoiselle
My Red Cap
The Mysterious Key, and What it Opened
A Nurse's Story
A Pair of Eyes (or, Modern Magic)
Pauline's Passion and Punishment
Perilous Play
The Rival Painters
The Rival Prima Donnas
The Romance of a Bouquet
The Sisters' Trial
The Skeleton in the Closet
Taming a Tartar
Thrice Tempted
Transcendental Wild Oats
V.V. (or, Plots and Counterplots)
Which Wins?
A Whisper in the Dark