Jo teaches Nick to ski; Nick serves as a father figure for Nat.
Rating: 4 1/2 Stars!
Episode Number: 112
Original Air Date: February 20, 1999
Favorite Quote(s):
Nan: Boys get to race and girls get to enter the mother-daughter quilting contest!
Nat: What are you so mad about? I mean, Mrs. Jo said she'd enter with you.
Nan: I don't wanna make a quilt Nat, I wanna race, like you.
Nat: You should be glad you're not. It'll save you the embarrassment of loosing to me.
Cade: Enjoy making your quilt, both of you.
Nan: Well, I'll make a really big quilt, so I can bury you in it.
Nick: Here ya go Nan, that's gonna make a nice quilt.
Nan (sarcastically): Oh yes, lovely.
Nan: Fine, disqualify me. Give him the ribbon. But you know I beat you, and you can remember that every time you look at it.
Cade: Go ahead, give it to her.
Nan: Here Nat.
Nat: Nan? I can't take it.
Nan: You would have beat me anyways . . . well no, you wouldn't have, but . . I want you to have it.
Reson For Rating: I love this episode! A little bit of trivia for those of you who don't already know: The actor who played Cade (Ben Cook), was the same person who played Dan in the 1997 Little Men movie. I love the relationship between the kids, and between the kids and Nick and Jo, I love . . face it, I loved the whole thing!