Editor's Note: Yay we made it to the second newsletter!!! I am very happy to introduce a couple of new sections to our newsletter. Aside from the wonderful articles that you have already experienced, there are two new sections that will soon appear, as well as three new Staff Writers! In the next issue you will see Book Reviews, and a new "Dear Jo" section that will only work if you, as a reader, participate (you will find more information on the "Dear Jo" section later in the newsletter). We would like to welcome the new talented staff writers, which includes, Plumfielder, Tasha, and Tracy! We are very grateful for your help. It takes a lot of work from a lot of people get this newsletter out, even if it is only every other month. If you have any comments for the Staff Writers, feel free to send them to me and I'll be sure to pass them on. Although none of us can see the episodes of "Little Men" in the U.S. (Unless of course you have the episodes taped . .), the show can still live on in our hearts. I hope everyone has a very Happy New Year, and we'll see you again in March! :) If you would like to help write colums, or if you have any ideas for future newsletters, please e-mail me at littlemenfan@excite.com I hope that you will enjoy this newsletter, and all the newsletters to come. Until next time,
Staff Rachel G. - Editor Sarah - Staff Writer Alesha - Staff Writer Arrow - Staff Writer Ruth C. - Staff Writer Plumfielder - Staff Writer Tasha - Staff Writer Tracy - Staff Writer | |||||
Coming Up Next:
Jo's Journal: By: Alesha
Second Episode- In Quarantine the Plumfield school contracts a mysterious disease and everyone seems to be falling sick, with the measles. When Marcus dies the school is put under Quarantine and guards block anyone from coming into the school. The school begins to run out of medicine which hits close to home for a lot of the kids because most of them have lost family through diseases like this one. Nick was sick and tired of seeing everyone so sick so he takes matters into his own hands and goes and gets more medicine so everyone will get better. Even though the way he went to get the medicine was not quite the way anyone would have planned it. The medicine arrives with no help from the guards and everyone gets cured. My opinion on this episode is that I enjoyed watching it. I don't have this one on tape so I'm going by memories. I really thought that the actors were sensitive to their characters and really brought the best of their characters out! I give this episode two thumbs up because that is all I have. :-) |
The Conscience Book: By: Plumfielder Anthea "Nan" Harding Nan lost her mother when she was twelve. Her father decided he couldn't raise Nan by himself so he sent her to Plumfield to be under Jo's care. Nan is a tomboy; just as Jo was when Jo was younger. When she got to Plumfield she and Dan got lost in the woods racing. When Dan tripped and hurt his ankle they were stuck until the search party found them. Jo punished Nan by trying a rope around her and her bed. Nan had to stay tied up all day. Jo told Nan that it was a lesson of trust. After Nan got untied and said that it was her against the boys. Joe told Nan she knew how she felt. But that she, Jo, had people to confide in. That if Nan wanted they both could confide in each other. Nan nodded her head. That started an undying friendship. Nan decided she wanted to be an doctor when the school was quarantined with measles. When Nan was told that she could never become a doctor because she was a female. Jo helped her see to never give up her dreams. Nan started to really like Nat when they tired to get Dan and Bess to have their fist kiss. Nan and Nat ended up getting their first kiss up in the hay loaf. When Jo's niece Bess first arrived at Plumfield she and Nan didn't quite hit it off. Bess is this prime and proper lady and Nan is an tomboy. But when Bess fell into the water and Nan had to save her they mended up their difference and became best friends. |
Photo of the Issue: Jo Bhaer ![]() |
? Trivia Questions ?
1-What does Asia say to Doctor Pierce that will "do the trick" for Marcus' fever?
*And the bonus question* --Trivia Questions Done By: Tracy. |
"Little Men" Movie review: by: Sara I had to look up some "Little Men" reviews out on the web to see what others thought about the 1997 version of Louisa May Alcott book "Little Men". Not one of them had anything good to say about the movie. Except Ebert http://www.suntime.com/ebert_reviews/1998/05/050803.html The reason why I surfed the net for the reviews is because I couldn't bear to re-watch the movie. I watched it when it first came out and I was sorely disappointed. Not in Mariel Hemingway who played Jo; or in Chris Sarandon who played Fritz; or in Michael Caloz who played Nat. Out of all three Michael Caloz was the most believable. He played Nat Blake like how Louisa wrote him. Mariel played a nice Jo but at times it wasn't believable. Chris played the ideal Fritz especially in the scene with Nat when Nat had to hit Fritz with the ruler. Casting Ben Cook as Dan was an mistake. Ben just wasn't believable as Dan. "Little Men" is the sequel to "Little Women". Jo and Fritz are married they have an son; Little Rob. They started a school at Plumfield; the land Jo's great aunt willed to her. The children included Tommy Bangs; Jack, Ned; Dolly. Nat comes and shows Jo and Fritz Laurie's note. After a few days Dan shows up and Jo and Fritz say yes to him attending the school. But trouble happens and Dan is forced to leave but he comes back and helps Nat out of a tough spot and almost has to leave for good. But in the end he gets to stay. He shows Jo how to handle him as he tames a horse. Give me the book over this movie any day. The show "Little Men" did an much better job at portraying Louisa May Alcott's classic children's book. You can find "Little Men" on VHS and DVD at your local video store.
"Little Men" Jo Bhaer ................ Mariel Hemingway Footnote: This review is only from one humble reviewer it is in no way the reflections of any other staff member of this magazine. |
? Trivia Answers ? 1-Catnip Tea. |
* Trivia Quotes *
1-We're Free!! And the featured quote of the month, is:
10-Class is canceled today. |
The Life Of Louisa May Alcott By Ruth C. Part 2 - Later in 1865 Louisa traveled as a companion to the invalid Anna Weld in Europe. While in Europe she met a Polish youth by the name of Ladislas Wieniewski who later becomes a model for Laurie in Little Women. After she arrive back in Concord her book A Modern Mephistopheles or A Long Fatal Love Chase was rejected by her publisher as being "too sensational." The novel was later published in 1995 by Random House. In 1868 Louisa editorship of Merry's Museum, a periodical for children. That same year Thomas Niles of Roberts Brothers asked her to write a story for girls. Louisa have never written a novel for children decide to write a novel based on her own family. She made the whole March family based on her real family. The book end up being a almost over-night success. Louisa's character Jo March is in fact consider to be the first heroine in children literature to act on her own behalf and not be stereotyped. A year later she wrote Good Wives the sequel to Little Women which is consider to be the just to be part 2 of Little Women and most copy of Little Women have both book as one book. In the second part Louisa has Jo marry Professor Bhaer rather then Laurie because she didn't want her readers to grow up think Jo and Laurie got married. Louisa published another book called Old Fashion Girl and went abroad a with her sister May a in 1870. While in Italy she learned of the passing of way of Anna's husband John Pratt ( model for John Brook). She immediately began to write Little Men in order to help support her sister and two nephews. It was published after return a year later to Boston. Two year after the Little Men was published she published to more book Transcendental Wild Oats and Work. Work was almost as autobiographical as Little Women was. Louisa published Eight Cousins in 1875 and the sequel Rose in Bloom a year later. A year after having Rose in Bloom published Louisa published A Modern Mephistopheles which aside from A Long Fatal Love Chase, was her most ambitious work of sensation fiction. It is for all we know, the only such writing she produced during that decade. A year later Louisa sister May married a Swiss businessman by the name of Ernest Nieriker. That same year Under the Lilacs was published. Unfortunately six week after given birth her daughter a year later May passed away. Louisa after finding out start to prepared to adopt her niece who was named after her. Then in 1881 Jack and Jill was published Louisa May Nieriker (Lulu) arrives. Louisa treated Lulu as if she was her own daughter. Finally in 1886 Louisa last novel Jo's Boys was published the book took over two year to write. By this time Louisa had very ill and could not find any cure for what she had. Then two year later Louisa finally died two day after her father on March 6,1888. She made of have died but she left behind a legacy of books. She was true genius when it came to writing in the opinion of this writer, as well as a great person. She could possible be consider to be the female version of Dickens. I hope there are other out there who are reading the article write now that would agree with me about the statements I just made.
All info came from the book The Portable Louisa May Alcott Edited by Elizabeth Lennox Heyser which is available at Waldenbooks stores a cross the country for $18. Trust me that a good prices. Waldenbooks is named after Walden pond in Concord Mass. |
Nat's Corner - Review and Summary by: Arrow
The first thing that usually attracts us to a piece of fan fiction is usually its title. Take this one for example. All Hollow's Eve. . the first picture that came to my mind when I came across this fan fic was a sweet homely picture with all the Plumfield children dressed up in scary costumes on a cold Hallow Eve's night. Pretty tempting by my standards . . of course, the fic wasn't exactly entirely like that; but the title did catch my attention and made me read it. Summery: One cold night as the children of Plumfield sit around the living room table telling tales of ghosts and witches, Rob sees a face at the window. Who or what was it? And will a night at a spooky old haunted house end in tragedy?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3- Part 4- Part 5- .....If you would like to read the end of the story, go to https://www.angelfire.com/nc/littlemenff/jonathan/allhallows1.html |
* Trivia Quotes Answers *
1-Dan, Quarantine. |
Do you have a problem that you can't talk to anyone about? Do you need advice, but you don't know who to turn to? INTRODUCING: "Dear Jo" A coulumn that gives advice without asking for any imformation, all for free! If you have a question, e-mail me at littlemenfan@excite.com, and I'll forward it to "Jo". Here are a few examples:
Dear Jo:
Dear Ready to pull out my hair: And,
Dear Jo:
Dear missing pappa: |
Be sure to check here next time, for an all new Book Review!! |