BEWARE!!! Some of these are a little far-fetched.
2. You give someone the silent treatment when they forget to call you for a Little Men commercial.
3. You memorize the promos for the new season.
4. You watch the promos (at least) once a day to see if you've missed anything.
5. You have "Little Men Days" where you watch episode after episode of Little Men.
6. You watch Pax t.v. for the commercials and do other things during the shows in between. (example: go to the bathroom, get a drink, brush your teeth, etc.)
7. You write/read fan fiction to hold yourself over until the next season.
8. You try to learn the character/actor names for anyone who has ever been on Little Men.
9. Every time you get on the internet, you check the Little Men Forum to see if anyone has posted something new.
10. You can change any conversation into something about Little Men.
11. Your bookmarks (or favorites depending on the browser) includes a folder just for Little Men and has more than eight links in it.
12. You write Little Men fan fiction and don't have time to write other stories or letters to friends.
13. You send in another reason that "You know you're obsessed."
14. You dream about the characters in Little Men.
15. You have all the episodes on tape.
16. You watch all the episodes at least once a week.
17. You've visited ALL the web sites.
18. You've read ALL the fan fiction.
19. You have a Little Men website.
20. You say your favorite quote to everyone. (Example: "I worked all morning on it!" Nan)
21. You've tried to recruit people to join the wonderful world of Little Men.
22. You no longer fast forward through the boring parts. (Example: the scene where the men are sitting around the table playing poker.)
23. You look for all the mistakes in the show.
24. You put Little Men quotes in school essays.
25. You write school essays about Little Men.
26. You search every bookstore, poster place, clothing store, etc. . . . for anything that even resembles Little Men memorabilia.
27. You've printed out everything possible and created a Little Men shrine in your bedroom.
28. You watch movies just because your favorite actor/actress on Little Men is in it.
29. Every night when you go to bed you pretend you're in the school, and hold conversations with the characters.
30. You catch yourself singing the Little Men theme song all the time.
31. You quit speaking to you friends because they accidentally called you during the show instead of waiting for a commercial break.
32. You name something (such as a computer) after a character from the show.
33. You watch yourself in the mirror, trying to ace facial expressions while saying quotes from each character.
34. You run the 'newest' episode through your mind 50,000,000 (fifty million) times, then run all the old ones through your head just for fun.
35. You link Little Men to your other obsessions (example: in Little Men - the book - there is a verse called "Little Drops of Water" {Chapter:17 Page:160 Said By:Teddy} and Judy Garland sang it in the 'Judy Garland Christmas' show.)
36. You know you're obsessed with Little Men when you call your mother Marmee and have your siblings call her MarMar.
37. You memorize the address for all of the head people at PAX t.v. after writing to them a million times.
38. You write to PAX, e-mail PAX, and call PAX, several times a week. Then you try to force everyone you know to do the same.
39. You memorize the address for everyone at PAX.
40. You're considering dropping out of school to write fan fiction full time!
41. You are out on a Friday night "date" with your husband to have quality time together and urge him to finish his dessert to get home before 8 p.m.
42. You watch the show while you are taping it at the same time.
43. You have a bookmark to the PAXTV Lineup page just to check for the summary of the newest Little Men episode.
44. You search all the actors/actresses birthdates to see if you were born on the same day.
45. You record your favorite scenes on audiotape so that you can play them back over again and again, so you don't wear out your video copy of the episodes.
46. You inherited your obsession,since your Mother decided your nickname for Margaret was Meg, when you were born. Also, she was never called Mom, but either Mar (wonder what it was short for) or Mother. And we never decided who started that!
47. You exercise in the morning and eat dinner at night with tapes of Little Men.
48. The cleaning people know the tapes are sacred and they had better not damage them.
49. You come back from a 6 hour non stop ride and immediately watch the tape of "The Sign" standing up, because your tush is too sore to sit any longer.
50. You name your Ken doll after one of the guys from Little Men.
51. You color code video tape labels according to the season. You also keep a notebook of episode summaries with tape numbers so you can always find the perfect epidods to fit your mood.
52. All you can think about is meeting the cast and visiting the place they film the show.
53. Your favorite Christmas song is "Oh, Holy Night" because Jennifer Wigmore sang it in "Christmas Angel."
54. You must have more!!!
55. You watch a new Little Men episodes when it is aired on t.v. and after it's over you rewatch your tape! (I do that every time!)
56. You want to take some violin lessons!
57. You name your horse Penny!
58. You sing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" every year!
59. You write in your diary and begin with "Dear Jo,"
60. You and your friends nicknames are Jo, Meg, Amy, and Beth.
61. You write your junior high English teacher a thank-you letter after each episode thanking her for introducing you to Alcott years ago.
62. You refuse dates with men unless they are named Nick, or in a pinch Laurie. (A NOTE FROM RACHEL: Or Dan, or Nat. :))
63. You fire your longtime household employee because she objects when you call her Asia.
64. You see the word "Thoreau," or "Walden" while working on school work, and immediately think of Little Men. (For reference watch Civil Disobedience)
65. You start planning on naming your future kids (Nicholas Daniel, Anthea Elizabeth, Josephine Margaret, etc., etc.,) after the characters.
66. You're constantly trying to think up another obsession for Rachel to put on her page. (A NOTE FROM RACHEL: *lol*)
67. You name the teddy bear you got for Christmas "Nick" and you get all giddy inside everytime you look at him, because he makes you think of Nick.
68. Someone's talking about Asia - the country - and you think they're talking about Asia - the character. -
69. You are going to a wedding, and you think: "Now is my big chance to dress up all fancy like they do in Little Men" (*hehehe* . . . and you do your hair like theirs, . . . and try to find a dress that's like their's, only more modern . . .)
70. You meet a guy named Joe, and you wonder why his parents gave him a girls name.
71. You meet a girl named Laurie, and you wonder why her parents gave her a boys name.
72. You become a doctor because Nan imspired you (hey, that's not the only reason I'm becoming a doctor!)
73. You try to convince your mother to have truplets so she can name them Jo, Meg, and Amy. (Actually, I wanted her to name them Beth, Meg, and Amy . . . I'm Jo! :))
74. You go around trying to come up with a character so you can be in the show!
75. You see anything related to Mr. T (from the A*Team) and automatically think of Michelle Rene Thomas because their names consist of the same letters --MRT.
76. You make your own "Little Men" tee-shirts by printing LM photo's onto iron-on paper made for your computer. (A NOTE FROM RACHEL: That's a good idea!)
77. Fanfic takes precedent over homework.
78. Your computer background, screensaver, etc. features a "Little Men" motif.
79. You learn "slang" from the 1870's and incorporate it into your everyday language. (A NOTE FROM RACHEL: I can just imagine someone going down the street and suddenly yelling "Christopher Colombus!" *lol*)
80. You watch FoxFamily's "I Was A Sixth Grade Alien" just because Jennifer Wigmore is in it.
81. You have a "Little Men" movie marathon and watch EVERY movie any of the cast members have been in, no matter how small their part was.
82. You use quotes from "Little Men" as 'thoughts for the day' to give you inspiration.
83. You read every book ever mentioned on "Little Men" (i.e. "Frankenstein", "Walden's Pond", "2,000 Leauges Under The Sea").
84. You join the Little Men RPG.
85. You're parents groan when they hear that it's your turn to pick a movie because it's always one of your tapes of "Little Men".
86. You go around coming up with scripts for the show so that you can write yourself in.
87. You search all over the net for anything about any of the actors and actresses from Little Men.
88. You jump up and down, doing a happy little jig when you finally think up another obsession for Rachel to put on her page. - BTW, I didn't do that!
89. When friends get in trouble, you try to decide just what punishment Nick and Jo would give them.
90. After an especially stern lecutre from your parents you exclaim, "they'd never treat me that way at Plumfield!"
91. You want to go to school in a barn.
92. At Thanksgiving you insist on buying minature pumpkins to go on all the plates because that's the way they do it on Little Men.
93. During a boring date, you think, 'if only I had a fan, I could wave it around and amuse myself like Jo.'
94. Whenever anyone asks you to dance, you reply "Well I thought you'd never ask," even if it's the first song of the evening.
95. You play Six Degrees of Little Men, connecting everything from famine to sports to life at Plumfield in six east steps.
96. While viewing movies and other TV shows, you watch every actor closely trying to determine just what kind of role they might play on Little Men.
97. You begin to wonder if the Betty Ford center has a unit to help you deal with withdrawl from PAX's Little Menless schedule.
98. You are excited to find that one of the stars of Little Men is going to be in another show, and almost go beserk when you realize there are two of them in the same show! (Angels In The Infield - 2000)
99. You watch a tv show just because one of the cast is going to be in it.
100. You reach 100 OBSESSIONS!!!!!
Thanks to Honey Bee, Marilyn, Anna, Melanie, AE, Tiffany W., DeQ, Jennifer, Lorien, Lindsey, Karin, Mam, ???, Linda, west fam, Anonymous #1, Sandy, Maude, Catherine, Jo, Alesha, Vicky, IMXAL8, and Karen for their help!
How do you know you're obsessed with Little Men? Share it with us by e-mailing me at