We were watching PAX one day when we saw a commercial for Little Men. My sister told me not to watch it because it was probably stupid and wouldn't follow the books very closely. So, I watched it. And I loved it. I started watching every episode after that. Rachel, USA
I owe it all to my Aunt. She told me she saw a commercial for Little Men. I thought it was the sequel to the Little Women movie (Wynona Rider, etc) so I watched it. Aya, Philippines
At first I started watching Paxtv because I heard that they would be playing Christy, and my sister said that they would ALSO be playing a show called Little Men. She said she read the book when she was younger, and she liked it a lot. So, I watched it one day, and I totally LOVED IT! kitty, USA
I started watching Little Men when my sister Harmony said there was something that had Corey Sevier in it! I'm a fan of Corey's!!! So I watched it on PAX and the first episode I watched was Thanksgiving! I thought it was a well put together show! So from then on I watched and I watched and I watched!!!!! Alesha (K9128007~Lesha), Missouri, USA
I am a big lover of shows "from the past" i.e. "Dr. Quinn", "Avonlea", "Christy", "Little House", and my Mom knows this. One day she told me that a show called "Little Men" was coming on PAX, and it looked like a good one. (Believe it or not, I didn't make the connection to the book!) . . . Anyway, I put a blank tape in my VCR (Just in case I liked the show) and sat down to watch the first show. . . Wow!!!!!!! Been hooked ever since! Julie Johnson, Oregon, USA
My best friend got me hooked on it but I didn't like it the first time I watched. But when she told me to give it another try, BAM! Never missed an episode. She wasn't the only one who told me to watch it. As long as Trevor and Corey are close friends of ours, it's sort of fan support for them. kab_143, Philippines
About August or September of 1998, my grandma told me there was a new station on channel 16, and they played some reruns of DQ. So I started watching DQMW off and on in the evenings for a few months. Then I saw a promo for something called "Little Men" based on the LMA books. I read "Little Women" for the first time in sixth grade, and loved it. Then I went on to "Little Men". I loved the books, so I was excited to see a series based on those characters. So I made plans to set my VCR for Nov. 7, 1998. I've been watching ever since, but I didn't discover the online community until about Feb. of 1999. The rest is history . . . Marilynkn, USA
I NEVER channel-surf! I always plan what I will watch based on what I hear and read about tv shows. I knew that there was a new channel that was going to show DQMW reruns, so I watched DQMW on PAX, and there were ads about Little Men during DQMW, so I planned to watch LM. Teacher Annie, USA
I think I started watching it mid season 1. I liked PAX because they show family shows (not enough of those around) and they were showing DQMW and Christy, but were big favorites of mine. During those shows I saw a premire for a new show called Little Men. I was interested because I love Little Women and period shows. (DQMW, Christy, Avonlea). It looked great. I forgot when it came on and missed a few episodes, even though I turned it on during it once and saw the scene where Dan and Nan race into the woods. That didn't appeal to me too much (I know, the horror!) so I didn't watch it. I forget what episode it was that I watched all the way through, but I was hooked from then on! Anne ~ Amy, Wisconsin, USA
One day my family and I glimpsed the advertisement for Little Men on PAXTV. I thought it looked interesting and I had watched Little Women, so I thought it might be good.
I was flipping through the channels one day and saw a commercial for a series called "Little Men". I loved the book so I decided to watch the show. I fell in love with it! It was and still is my favorite show! It is an excellent family program as well. My entire family began to watch it and they all loved it. It is a wholesome show, and one that cannot afford to be lost! Tara, USA
I started watching "Little Men" around Christmas of the first season. I started watching PAX because of Dr. Quinn (just like most everyone else!), and I saw an ad for "Little Men". I was thrilled to see a show
during my absolute favorite time period. Sadly, I forgot to watch it, and because I go to church on Saturday nights I would always miss it (which is also why I never saw Dr. Quinn until it's 5th season). I missed church one Saturday and watched "Little Men", and I was instantly hooked. I've never missed an episode since! In fact, the show inspired my novel. It's amazing what TV can do, isn't it? Macayla Adams, USA
I was watching another show on pax tv when I saw a commercial for little men came on. I decided to watch the first episode because I, like so many of you like period drama shows, ( they have all been mentioned but I will say them again, Christy, DQMW, and Avonlea). The first time I watched it I loved it. I am so glad that pax has decided to play the reruns. I am also looking for the day when there will be new episodes. I would also like to know if there is anyone out there that thinks, like me, that the character Franz is cute. Evelyn, California, USA
Well, being the shy person I am, I didn't suggest watching it to my family (they didn't really pay attention to the ad) and never remembered to check it out.
I forgot about it for a while, but later saw the ad again. I decided to tell my sister and see if she wanted to watch it with me. We were away the night it was on, I think, so we recorded it and watched it later with the entire family (there were 10 people in our household then). We all liked it, although I think I liked it the most. I told my sister I had seen the ad before but had been kind of hesitant to tell anyone about it. "Why didn't you tell us!" she said. Why didn't I?
That first episode that we watched was "Tough Choices" from Season 1 when they were being repeated.
From then on, we watched the episodes, though not all of my family became an avid watcher, as I pretty much was. Melissa M. (aka Honey Bee), Florida, USA
I'm one of those people who found Little Men by accident. I was Channel surfing one night and luckily stumbled upon the show. It was the very first one and it was half way through. Nan was helping the boys pick up sacks of grain and I thought that bit was funny. Anyways, after watching five seconds of it, I was hooked. I couldn't wait until the next episode. I thought the acting and hte story lines were great. camryn, USA
I remember seeing a few commercials announcing "Little Men." What intrigued me was the fact that this was a continuation of Jo March's story. I had never read any of Louisa May Alcott's novels, but I had seen all three movie versions of "Little Women" as well as the play, and I loved them all. My favorite of the March sisters has always been Jo, so I naturally had to check out "Little Men" to see what it was all about. Little did I know at the time that I was actually lucky enough to start watching from the very first episode. Tanya, USA
The first episode of Little Men that I ever watched was "Thanksgiving". I'm not sure if it was the original airing, and I don't remember all the details around it, but I believe I was just channel surfing, and it looked pretty good, so I watched it. I think I may have skipped through the channels and just flipped it back every once in awhile to see what was happening, so it wasn't a real true viewing. After that, I don't know what happened...I guess I just forgot about it (*gasp* How could I?!) I THINK I caught parts of "Opposites Attract" one other time...still didn't catch on. (ARGH!)
The first time I watched Little Men was by complete "accident" or maybe fate, lol! It was the episode called "Quarantine" when Dan and Nat were talking in the boys room with the other boys, so I started watching it and since then I always watch it on Saturday night. :) Maude, USA
I was looking for something interesting to watch one Saturday evening in January 2000 and I chanced upon the very first episode of Little Men on the Hallmark Entertainment Network. I was very intrigued by it, since Little Women was a favorite even from childhood. I did not get to start it but upon learning that the episode would run again Sunday morning and Tuesday evening, I made sure to catch it then and have followed it religiously since then. It continues to inspire me in the work that I do, being a teacher myself. I'm glad it airs more than once a week over here. cricks, Manila, Philippines
In the fall of '98 I heard that Little Men was gonna be on tv. I thought I would watch it because I loved the Little Women movie with Winona Ryder. About November or December I was channel-surfing and came upon PAX and Little Men. I started watching it because I love period pieces. I have been watching it ever since. But it wasn't until the second season started that I found the on-line community. I love Little Men so much, I went out and bought Jo's Boys to complete my collection. Donna, USA
One day my mom was channell surfing and flipped past PAX. She was like "Amy, it's Little Men." She knows I am a HUGE fan of Little Women, so I can understand her telling me. After she told me the channell, I went to the other TV and watched it for the first time. Unforunatly, I only caught the last 15 minutes. Nan and Nat kissed! The next week I didn't watch it. The week after I was changing channells, came across LM again, and watched the last few minutes of it. I was confused. 'I thought this was a movie,' I thought. 'How can a movie have two different endings?' Not being smart enough to copy the channell and time, I didn't have the correct information to see if it was a movie or TV show. Well, again, a couple weeks later I was flipping through channells and came across it. I watched it, only this time it was most of an episode. The one with Charlotte, I believe. Or was it the one with Asia's dad? I forget! Anyways, this time, I was actually smart. I ran straight for the computer and went to www.tvguide.com and looked it up on Sundays at 5 on channell 17. All the correct information. It said weekly TV show. Now I was actually being smart. Well, I watched it a couple months more on a regular basis when they started having this message. "Little Men will not be showing at this time. Instead, Touched By An Angel will take its place."
Well, when I was planning on what I would watch on a Saturday night (Canada) I saw that it said Little Men at 8:00. Well, I remebered I had seen a few years before a Little Men movie at Costco so I thought that was it so I sat and watched it. I figured out quickly that it was a show but I still loved it!! But I'm also a fan of old time shows (like Little House, Dr. Quinn) so that's also why I'm hooked! ~berkley~, Canada
I don't have any dog that barks at me while watching Little Men, and no one obliges me to watch it. I just like it! Nami Safai, USA
Accident / Channel Surfing
Then I was babysitting for some kids one night, and they liked Little Men...well, Timmy (the boy I was babysitting) turned the tv on and LM was just coming on and he said it was the episode where "she gets robbed". It sounded interesting, but I only saw a few minutes of it, and then they put a movie on.
Well, I think after that (babysitting experience), I finally decided to watch it (I think it was also because I was starting to get into Little Women...so, why not Little Men??). I forgot and missed "Brothers and Sisters", and I didn't want to watch "The Lantern Man", so my first REAL TRUE viewing of Little Men was "The Weaker Sex". I didn't decide to start taping it until AFTER Jo had already burnt her arm with the hot kettle (or was it the water?). *sigh* Sometimes I just can't believe myself! How could I have taken so long to get to like it?! I guess it was just the skipping around thing. Once I sat down and watched a full episode (The Weaker Sex), I was instantly hooked. I've been a fan ever since. Jennifer Warner, Ohio, USA
So I went to my room that day and thought about LM. FINALLY, something hit me (not litteraly) COREY SEVIER IS DAN. I was so excited that I figured that out, I went to the other forum and told "SOS."
The next day I got on the computer and found www.paxtv.com and y'all after going to tvguide.com to see what happened to it (they stopped showing it on Sunday). Only it was on the old forum, only writing one message saying who I was. I was still reading those messages when pax deleted the old forum and made everyone use the new one. So I had to switch without knowing y'all. Amy Jo, USA
I saw the commercial on tv and I thought Dan was so cute, so I found out when it was on and I have been watching it since. NMPrincess2002, USA
Well, I was talking to my friend once and she was gushing about this "awesome show" called Little Men and I wasn't really interested. It sounded sort of dumb. I loved the book and movie of Little Women but I didn't like Little Men the book all that much. (Mostly because Dan died when he was liked 25 or something . . lol). But anyway, one day like 6 months later I was flipping through channels and I saw this guy (it was Corey Sevier . . hehe) and I was like wow, he's cute! I'll watch this! And I finally figured out that it was a summer rerun of Little Men. I think it was Father Figure, . . oh, I can't remember. It was the one where Dan goes out into the woods to wait for a vision (Page Owner's Note: The actuall title is "Looking Forward"), . . . anyway, I was hooked! I was like WOW WHY didn't I start watching this 6 months ago when Julie told me about it!! I missed the whole first season!! And as soon as I saw Stepping Out, I was completely obsessed. And of course, I still am! I practically threw a party when I heard that it was coming back on, even if it wast he first season . . LOL!! Anna, USA
Well mine's a real thriller . . . . I was just channel-surfing and Corey Sevier caught my eye. It was the first showing of "Thanksgiving" in the first season. Been hooked ever since. End of story. Margaret, North Carolina, USA
I was another channel-surfer. It was a Sunday afternoon in early 1999 when I happened across an encore of the Thanksgiving episode. The scene I came in on had Brittney Irvin ("Nan"), and I thought she was the cutest actress I'd ever seen. Needless to say I was captivated immediately. This prompted me to search the Internet for info about her, which led me to the PAXTV Site, and, as they say, the rest is history. Jonathan K., Minnesota, USA
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