An older boy is attracted to Bess; Nick's hesitation leads Jo to accept a date with an old nemesis. - TV Guide
A beautiful new dress elevates Bess' pride to the point where this inflated attitude lands her in trouble. At the organizing committee for the annual "Concord Town Dance," Bess, is spotted by 19-year old Grayson Whittaker, the handsome son of a committee member, and a second-year student at Columbia. Misled that Bess is older than her 14 years, Whittaker approaches her, and his advances are not spurned by the impressionable ingénue. At the same time, Nick wrestles between his desire to invite Jo to the dance, and his reluctance to subject their relationship and the school to more scrutiny. His hesitation is interpreted as a lack of interest by Jo, who accepts an invitation from her former nemesis, Harrison Bridger. Inviting Bess to an afternoon picnic, Whittaker tries to kiss her, but is rebuffed, leading to a struggle. Bess realizes that despite his age and attractiveness, Whittaker is not the "perfect gentleman" she thought he was. On the evening of the dance, Bess learns from Dan how a true gentleman behaves, while Jo discovers the truth about Nick's feelings and her own. - CTV
Rating: 4 Stars!
Episode Number: 202
Original Air Date: September 3, 1999
Favorite Quote(s):
Amy: And my sisters, Jo and Meg, have volunteered to help with the decorations.
Jo: We did?
Meg: I was going to tell you that.
Bess: Nan, there are much more interesting things to talk about than dissecting worms.
Nan: Like what?
Bess: Like boys!
Nan: I'd rather talk about worms.
Harrison: Well, what do you think? Your centerpiece, exactly as requested . . . well, maybe not exactly as requested.
Meg: Maybe you should do something else.
Harrison: Excellent idea. I'll just go drown this in the rives so it doesn't frighten the villagers, and then I'll move on to something a little . . less artisitic.
Nick: Looks like we're the only ones left.
Jo: Yes, it does.
Nick: Now, how 'bout that dance?
Jo: I thought you'd never ask.
Reason For Rating: This episode is so cute! I love the whole dance, and everyone asking everybody, and I really like Harrison! He's so funny. Anyway, it's just an all around good ep.!