Amy doesn't want her daughter in school with boys; Nick decides to return to life as a sailor.
Rating: 4 Stars!
Episode Number: 103
Original Air Date: November 21, 1998
Favorite Quote(s):
Laurie: He punched Captain Hoffman? I'm liking this guy more and more!
Laurie: Well, I'm sure there are many other convicts you can pluck out of jail.
Jo: The children just wanted to be friends with her!
Amy: Yes, by shoving dead frogs in her face!
Nan: We're like cats and dogs, but that don't mean we can't be friends.
Jo: Dear Lord; This has been a year of great change for us at Plumfield. We've suffered the loss of loved ones that we have held so dear. But we've also seen new faces at our table, and we welcome them, and hope that they will be as happy here as we are to have them. We face many challenges that have tested both our strength and our courage. But through it all, we've had each other, and that is something for which we are truly, truly thankful. Amen.
Reson For Rating: You can't say enough about this episode, it's just really, really good! We meet Amy, Laurie, and Bess, and Nick has to decide whether or not to stay at Plumfield. What more could you want?