BEWARE!!! Some of these are a little far-fetched.
102. You watch the show with the lights off, and all the doors closed, and you turn the volume WAY up.
103. You sometimes catch yourself talking back to the characters.
104. You look in the phone book just to see if anyone has the last name of any of the cast (i.e. Sevier, Skarsten, etc.)
105. You go around for days trying not to use electricitybecause they live without it on Little Men.
106. You walk instead of taking a car for the same reason.
107. You watch a repeated episode on TV when you already have it on tape.
108. You sit up until 1 a.m surfing the net for any Little Men info - no matter how small.
109. When you're traveling on a road and you see a sign with a name like: Riley, Blake, Lawrence, etc. you think of the Little Men show. (When I was riding in a car, I saw a street sign with the name of 'Binder', and of course I thought of Carl Binder, executive producer of Little Men.)
{NOTE FROM RACHEL: I saw a river called Sevier. Bet you can't guess what that made me think of. :) }
110. You name your new car Riley because you want to think of *him* everytime you drive you car (which I did, and I do).
111. You go out and buy bobby pins and then pexeriment with your hair for hours trying to get it to style just like Jo's.
112. You actually wish you were one of the cast.
113. You start saying ya'll and talking like Nick.
114. You know how many days, hours, and minutes until the next episode comes on.
115. You hear "That Summer" by Garth Brooks and think of Jo and Nick.
116. Your friend says that they talked to Nick last night on the phone and you start asking all sorts of questions just to find out that Nick is your schoolmate.
117. Your friend says that her favorite epside of X-Files is Little Green Men and you start picturing the cast with green skin.
118. You buy the magazine that says "50 hottest guys" on the front and are dissapointed when Nick isn't one of them.
119. You make a tape of the theme song and listen to it over and over.
120. You set up a tape to record the Little Men commercials.
121. You and your friends nickname themselves after the characters.
122. You get pulled over for speeding and you tell the officer ". . Back on the ships we didn't have a law, we settled everything with our fists."
123. You tell your boyfriend/girlfriend "please send me away".
124. You lose bets that you can't miss an episode of Little Men.
125. You start dressing like the characters and you don't even notice it at first.
126. You buy a hat just like Nick's.
127. You drop out of Marching Band because High School football games are on Friday nights.
128. At the supermarket you see the sign "Plums" and get the urge to write "field" after it.
129. You knock the gate at the front of your house off the hinges.
130. You insist your history teacher teach class in a barn.
131. Fan fiction and episodes start to mix and you can't remember which happened on the show and which was just in a story.
132. You start clicking the mouse to your computer to the theme song and you don't notice it until your family yells "Stop!"
133. All 15 of your vocabulary sentences for school have to do with Little Men.
134. You do a report on Bears but get a C because you spelled it Bhaer.
135. Your biology teacher says, "Gnats can reproduce up to 1,000's of offspring at a time" and you stand up and yell "what?"
136. You say "Mornin' Nick" after finding out your homeroom teacher's name is Nick.
137. You insist that your family take vacations in Concord.
138. You name your cow Bess then take it back when you realize how insulted that she would be.
139. You insist your parents let you have a "Ball".
140. You say "Thank you Asia" when your mom sets dinner on the table.
141. You start your own grape juice business.
142. You tape "Civil Disobedience" and have your English teacher let the class watch it when you are reading the book "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau. (I did this!! I got so much extra credit!!).
143. You spend your Friday night making cookies in the shape of the names of Little Men Characters (from Dan to Mr. Welch on "The Sign").
144. You make special costumes and dress up like Little Men characers for fun.
145. You make a Little Men movie of your own with your cat staring as Meg and your dog as Asia.
146. You call your friends Little Men character names when they have no idea what you are saying.
147. You use Little Men quotes in front of your friends as a joke, but you are the only one who is laughing hysterically.
148. You fix your hair a certain way because it looks more like Nan's.
149. You write "Little Men" in the dirt at cross-country practice and in chalk on the road whenever you get the chance.
150. The countdown to the premier of Little Men reruns goes on for more than 2 months.
151. Your mother is relieved when you are able to tape new episodes because she is sick of the old ones.
152. You actually consider watching "The Coneheads" because Michelle Rene Thomas is in it.
153. Little Men quotes seem to fit in for any occasion.
154. You have a quote-off with your little sister when the power goes out in a storm, and you fall asleep before either of you runs out of quotes.
155. You leave your social outings early to watch reruns of Little Men.
156. You have only seen six episodes and are still crazy over the show.
157. You ignore the factual errors because you realize that they are part of the magic of the show.
158. You consider putting a quote from Little Men in your email address.
159. You decorate your room so that it looks as much 1800's as possible, and you hide your TV and Cd player in corners so they don't take away from the authentic feel of your room.
160. You refuse to let your parents buy you a television so your room looks old fashioned.
161. Everything creative that you do revolves around old-fashioned people and styles.
162. The obsessions list becomes a must do checklist, and you recognize at least half of the "symptoms" in yourself.
163. You're reading in your geology book and run across the word "convection" and the first thing you think of is exploding grape juice jars.
164. L and M are the most worn keys on your keyboard.
165. You drive your friend Natalie crazy by calling her Nat (my personal experience...hehe).
166. You write in your diary a secret code using LM character's names, ("Jo did this today") to make yourself believe you know them.
167. Your e-mail address, screen name, or both includes a character's name. For ex. Jo Bhaer.
168. You go around town taking pictures of varius things that could be the boot monster.
169. You make a movie using your dad's video camera called "Attack of the Boot Monster."
170. You chat with someone you know has a common name with a character or actor from Little Men, you repeat their name a little too much. ("Dan, how are you, Dan?", "Jennifer, you are SO confused, Jennifer").
171. You've done compare/contrast charts for the different actors playing Little Men roles.
172. In theatre class, you're begging for a 1870's skit.
173. Every song you hear and outfir you wear reminds you of a Little Men character.
174. You get a crush on a guy just because he smirks like Dan.
175. You have dolls named after Little Men characters and play with them daily.
176. You have a fight with other fans over who gets what character. (BTW, I get Nat!)
177. You help write a transcript.
178. You stay after at a dance ("Ball") just so your Nick will come. (Cough, far, no Nick here).
179. You regularly ask your friends if they've seen the latest episode of Little Men to see who's worthy of your time.
180. The first thing you say when you walk into a room full of stranges is, "Who here liked 'For Love or Money?'" (You outa try it sometime just to see everyone's reaction).
181. The first thing you ask when you meet a cute boy is, "Do you like Nan or Bess better?"
182. You get upset when someone interupts you at chat.
183. You have inside jokes with other Little men fans like "My lawyer doesn't like your lawyer," or, "Whatever happened to Flo the Bear?"
184. You have a crush on someon just because they like Little Men too.
185. Your profile on the various instant messangers is, "I like Little Men, ask me about it."
186. You ask your mom to tie you to the bed as punishment of running away.
187. As you read this, 2 or more people online on your AIM buddy list is someone you met at the forum.
188. You can write an instant message to those people saying "I'm thinking of SW and moving on the CD versus obedience. Is that too much of a LOF?"
189. You understood what I meant in that last message.
190. You're a member of more then 2 Little Men buddy lists.
191. You can name the date and time an episode was aired just by a quote being said.
192. You name your dog Max.
193. You won't let anybody in your family watch the TV unless they are watching Little Men!
194. You print out the sheet music to the Little Men theme song and the Stepping Out waltz and play it for hours even though you despise playing piano.
195. Your idea of an awesome party is acting out scenes from Little Men and brainstorming ideas for fanfiction.
196. You go into serious bouts of depression of you ever miss more than a minute of any episode.
197. Every single signature you have on any computer account has a quote from Little Men in it.
198. Every single love song you hear reminds you of Nick and Jo and you almost burst into tears when you hear "The Lady In Red".
199. Everyone at school asks you why you have "Nick +Jo=True Love" all over your notebooks.
200. YOU REACH 200 OBSESSIONS! (PAGE OWNER: I'm not going to add a new page, because I think it would just get too confusing, so you'll just have to deal with the fact that its a long page!)
201. You watch "Quarantine" six times before you or someone you know goes in for their measles, mumps, and rubella shots.
202. Every paper you write for English turns out to be a fanfiction story about (what else?) Little Men.
203. You forfeit going to dances, football games and even your own swim meets so you can stay home and watch Little Men.
204. You demand you parents buy you a bustle that you can wear to your school's dance which you insist on calling a ball.
205. When someone insults your friend you start a fistfight with them and then knock your teacher into the blackboard just to add flair.
206. You watch any other tv show just because Carl Binder produces it. (Mysterious Ways...)
207. You keep a Conscience book and at the end of the week show your family members how much they've misbehaved.
208. You have a hissy fit if you don't get to have a pillow fight EVERY Saturday night.
209. You throw a double birthday party for you and Corey Sevier because his birthday is two days before yours and even buy him presents.
210. You watch Little Men for 4 hours or more in a row. (I did that.)
211. You stay up into the wee hours of the morning just so you can watch Little Men in peace. (I did that too!)
212. You quote Nick in an argument you're having with your mom, and you even say it with his drawl. ("It seems to me, it's the things people don't say to each other that really drives a wedge between 'em" from "Family Business" is what I said to her)
213. You like a guy named Joe, and you have this strong urge to have him call you some sort of variation of the name "Nick" that sounds a little more feminine. (That's personal experience for ya!)
214. You want to buy the house they used as Plumfield on the show with all the furniture as well as the picture on the wall & the sheet they used on the bed just so you can wake up every morning & think how the cast actually walked on the same floor and sat in the same place that you now own.
215. You receive a Get Well card from a group of friends and on the edges of the card it reads "I am NOT Jo...I am NOT Jo...I am NOT Jo..." and in the corners it reads "SIGH...Nick...".
216. Your college roommate doesn't even like Little Men that much (which was very annoying), but by the end of the first year in the dorm even she had all of the episodes memorized and developed a crush on Nick.
217. Guys from college you're really just acquaintances with ask if your buddy icon on AIM is that guy Nick you're always talking about.
218. Your older brother finally decides that it's about time to sit down and watch an episode of this show to appease you, because you've been trying to convince him to watch it since the first episode. He figures this is the only way to finally get you to pipe down about it (boy was he wrong!!)
219. You wear your hair in Jo fashion so much that people at school question you when you leave your hair down or wear it in a ponytail instead, and you nearly respond, "Even Jo wore her hair down at times, don't you know these things?" or "I was gardening this morning. Why else would I wear my hair in a pony tail?" But you don't, because you know they'd just look at you like you're nuts and avoid you.
220. You print off a colour copy of the John Medland photo of Nick grinning in that handsome suit in "Stepping Out" and tape it to your computer monitor at college so you can have inspiration to work hard instead of "loafin' around all day" like Ben.
221. Your favorite book series is the Little Women trilogy and you also have three copies of Little Women and three of the movies.
222. Your life goal is to read all of Louisa May Alcott's books and short stories.
223. You want to work at the Orchid House (where Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women, Little Men, and Jo's Boys.)
224. You carry around a comp book with a picture of the cast on the inside that you use to write down ideas for Little Men fan fiction.
225. You convince your best friend to read the book Little Men & Jo's Boys.
226. Your best friend is a Little Men friend or a fanatic of another show or book.
227.You actually read Pilgrims Progress because it mention in Little Women.
228. You start reading Dickens.
229. You think people are courting instead of dating.
230. You want to move to Concord Mass.
231. You know what Concord means. (friendship)
232. Tons of songs remind you Little Men.
233. You have a picture of Louisa May Alcott's grave.
234. You a write essay about Louisa May Alcott for English class.
235. Your Hero in life is Louisa May Alcott.
236. You have read the book twice.
237. You can't go more the half a hour with thinking about Little Men.
238. You're thinking about the show right now.
239. You e-mail a list to Rachel with ways to tell you're obsessed with Little Men and then e-mail another list the next day.
240. You read the Portraits of Little Women series by Susan Beth Pferrer even thought they are written for preteens.
241. Your friend says you're obsessed with Little Men.
242. Your best friend sends you an note telling you to stop talking about Little Men so much.
243. You yell at a contest on Jeopardy when they miss a question about Little Women.
244. You always want to dress up as your favorite character from Little Men for Halloween.
245. You offered to write for the Little Men newsletter.
246. All they ways you come up with to tell you are obsessive are things you really do or have done.
247. You wish you could be character on Little Men.
248. You start to become very good at coming up with ways to tell you're obsessive with the show.
249. You have a clip art file on your computer that has only photos from the show.
250. You have over 25 photos from the show.
251. You start using words from the show such as huss.
252. You can talk for an hour on the topic of Little Men.
253. You know all about Louisa May Alcott.
254. You memorized what philanthropy means.
255. You can come up with 20 ways you can tell your obsessed in less the 30 min.
256. You read all the books by Louisa May Alcott at your local Library.
257. You blush when Jo's talking about "hints of fellings" 'cause you know you feel the same way too.
258. You walk in the street thinking about Nick's eyes, and smile, his eyes again, his hands maybe, and you begin smiling, so that people look at you like you're a mentally ill young girl, but you just can't help smiling and your mouth ends up even bigger than Julia Roberts' one .
259. You regret not being born in Concord, or near it, in about 1840, but in the suburbs of Prais, in 1981.
260. You see a handsome guy looking at you but you turn your head for your mind had begun comparing him with Mr. Spencer I'm-never-even-gonna-meet-him and you know he would never win this game and you think you're a complete idiot (I thought about another word but I don't want to be rude).
261. You had a crush on Joe Lando when you were 15 but eventually recovered, and it all comes back again with Spencer and you perfectly know it's dangerous but it feels so good.
262. You feel more like a normal girl after you saw there were already more than 200 reasons by other people, even before you got to see LM for the first time.
263. You begin pretending you are your favorite character and acting out a scene from an episode OR acting out your fan fiction fantasy of a three way crossover between "Little-Men," "Waltons" and "Little House on the Prarie" whereby the characters of Plumfield go on a cross country field trip and meet Rome and Rebecca Lee Walton and they all run into the Ingalls upon arriving together in walnut grove.
Thanks to ???, Afton, Maria, Honey Bee, Macayla Jo, eddie, Heather, Lindsy, Kelly, Amy, Amy Jo, Anna, Alesha, Tammy, Ruth Corcoran, Léa, and BombadilAslan for their help!
How do you know you're obsessed with Little Men? Share it with us by e-mailing me at